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The Pika Tales- Chp 34-36

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The Pika Tales- Chp 34-36 Empty The Pika Tales- Chp 34-36

Post by jd896 Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:24 pm

Chp 34- Badge Battle- Part 2

(Ash now has a decision to make. Choose the Janine on the right or left.)
Woman: Sorry, I'm not Janine!
(The lady pulls off her disguise, revealing an Officer Jenny.)
Brock: It's Officer Jenny!
(Croagunk breaks out of his Pokeball and attempts to Poison Jab Brock, but only hits air. He gets confused to where he went.)
Misty: You need to shut your mouth during a gym battle.
(Misty pulls Brock outside by the ear while Justin just facepalms.)
Ash: I'm guessing I have to battle you then?
Jenny: That's right! Growlithe, up front!
(She throws out a Pokeball, revealing a Growlithe.)
Ash: *Typical…* Alright, Squirtle, I choose you!
(Ash throws out Squirtle.)
Man: Begin!
Ash: Squirtle, Water Gun!
Jenny: Dodge it and use Quick Attack!
(Growlithe has no trouble dodging and smashes into Squirtle, throwing him onto his shell. He shakes wildly, trying to get up.)
Jenny: Growlithe, use Flamethrower!
(The flames head straight towards Squirtle, when it hits Ash.)
Ash: Squirtle, spin and use Hydro Pump!
(Squirtle retreats into his shell, spins around, and shoots out water from the holes. The water douses the attack and Growlithe, tossing him to the wall.)
Justin: That's the way Ash! Now finish it!
Ash: Squirtle, use Skull Bash!
(Squirtle charges into Growlithe, crunching him into the wall, KO'ing him.)
Man: Growlithe is unable to battle! Squirtle is the winner!
Ash: We did it!
(Ash runs to Squirtle and gives him a good hug. He's tired, but firm about it.)
Man: Well done Ash. Time for the real battle now.
(Ash stands up and faces Janine.)
Janine: I'm Janine, the ACTUAL gym leader. I hope you're ready for a fight!
Ash: Boy, am I ever!
(They stand on the open field.)
Janine: This will be a two-on-two battle! Crobat, let's go!
(Ash looks over his shoulder and walks over to Laura. He whispers to her.)
Laura: Me?!
Pikachu: !!!
Buneary: !!!
Alexander: !!!
Destiny: !!!
Justin: !!!
(She stammers onto the field.)
Ash: You'll do fine!
(She starts to shake a little in fear.)
Man: Begin!
Janine: Crobat, no mercy! Use Wing Attack!
Ash: Dodge it!
(Crobat charges towards Laura. Laura tries to jump, but Crobat is too fast and attacks Laura, causing her to hit the ground.)
Ash: Whoa! That Crobat is fast! Laura, please get up!
Pikachu: …
(She staggers to her feet.)
Ash: C'mon, you can do it! Use Ice Beam!
(She fires the beam at Crobat, who swiftly dodges it.)
Janine: Aerial Ace!
(Crobat again strikes down Laura to the ground, but is now lying motionless.)
Janine: Finish it! Use Aerial Ace one more time!
(Pikachu turns his head away while Buneary covers her eyes. The kids watch in awe, when her eyes shoot open and she jumps away at the last second.)
Ash: Whoa!
(She fires an Ice Beam at Crobat, freezing him and severely hurting him.)
Ash: N-nice job! Use Dizzy Punch!
(She punches the frozen ice, shattering it. Crobat hits the ground unconscious.)
Man: Crobat is unable to battle!
(Laura lands on her feet, exhausted. Pikachu and Buneary look at each other, shocked.)
Buneary: She's got your talent.
(Pikachu blushes a little and continues to watch. Laura is now panting heavily exhausted.)
Ash: Come get a rest Laura.
(She staggers over and collapses into Buneary's arms.)
Buneary: That was great sweetie.
(While everyone else compliments her, Ash and Janine get ready.)
Janine: Alright Ariados, let's go!
Ash: Then I guess I'm up.
(He changes into Pikachu form and takes the battlefront. Janine scratches her head.)
Janine: Huh, and just when you thought you've seen it all…
Man: Begin!
Janine: Ariados, use Poison Sting!
(The projectiles fly towards Ash, but he easily dodges them.)
Ash: *I know that move too well now…*
(Ash smashes Ariados with an Iron Tail in the head, but it just shakes it off.)
Janine: Poison Jab!
(Ariados jabs Ash in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him and throwing him to the wall, but falls right before hitting it. He jumps back to his feet and Thunderbolts it. It seems to be hurt badly and about to fall over.)
Ash: *C'mon…*
(Ariados then jumps right back up.)
Ash: *Damn…*
Janine: Ariados, use Night Shade!
(The move is so fast, Ash has not even a moment to react and is hit by the move. He is thrown into the wall, but quickly staggers to his feet. The move was very effective and made him very wore out. He pops his neck and stares down Ariados.)
Ash: *I don't remember a battle being THIS strenuous…
Janine: Ariados, Poison Sting!
(Ash uses Volt Tackle and pummels the projectiles and Ariados. To Ash's surprise, it gets back up.)
Ash: *How?!*
(He tries to use Thunderbolt, but nothing happens, just a few sparks of his cheeks.)
Ash: *I'm-I'm out of electricity?!*
(Ash was now half-defenseless.)
Janine: Poison Jab!
(Ash dodges the move. Janine orders a list of moves with Ash dodging all of them. Ash was now exhausted and very weak.)
Janine: Poison Sting!
(The projectiles hit Ash directly. Ash knows the longer it takes, the sooner he'll be done for.)
(This strikes Ash on the inside. He charges Ariados and smashes him with an Iron Tail. Throughout the move, Ariados starts to stagger up again.)
Ash: *Oh no you don't!*
(He smashes Ariados with his own head, which finally takes it out. Ash staggers backwards towards the others.)
Man: Ariados is unable to battle! The challenger wins!
(Ash rubs his now bruised head and takes a stagger back. Pikachu runs up to him. He's bruised up too, but looks okay.)
Pikachu: Hey, that was great! How are ya feeling?
Ash: HAHA! It's a Pikachu!
(He falls backwards onto his back, unconscious.)
Pikachu: That hit to the head must've made him dizzy. He's injured anyway…
(He checks his own injuries.)
Pikachu: I guess I am too…
(Justin walks over and picks Ash up. Janine gives him the Soul Badge for Ash and Justin takes them to the Pokemon Center. Misty and Brock are waiting by the door for them to come out and walk to the Center with them. Ash, Pikachu, Squirtle, and Laura are handed in to the Nurse Joy and Brock is this time Poison Jabbed by Croagunk. After five minutes, Pikachu, Squirtle, and Laura were given back.)
Justin: Um, wasn't there one more?
Joy: Well, after further examination, he seems to have some injuries that need a little extended treatment.
Misty: HOW extended?
(She smiles)
Joy: Don't worry, only a few more minutes!
(They all breathe a little and wait a few minutes when Joy brings out Ash who has a bandage around his forehead. Misty takes him and they walk outside.)
Pikachu: Hey, how are you feeling?
Ash: Better, my head still hurts a little though.
Pikachu: Can you produce any electricity?
(Ash tries to Thunderbolt.)
Ash: Nope.
Misty: You're lucky you can't or you'd be so dead…
Pikachu: Alexander, help him out.
(Ash is put down. Alexander attaches his tail to Ash's and Thunderbolts him.)
Ash: WHOA! That was the charge I needed!
Pikachu: Glad you feel better!
Justin: So, where are we off to now?
Ash: I think we're going to Cinnabar Island!
Brock: Yep, the last stop on the road to the Pokemon League!
Justin: Awesome, I hear that's a great tourist area!
Ash: Yea, and it also has a cool gym too!
Justin: Well what are we waiting for?! LET'S GO!
(He throws out Flygon and climbs on.)
Misty: (whispering) He's almost as stubborn as Ash…
Buneary: (whispering) Tell me about it…
(They all climb onto Flygon and he takes off into the 4 o'clock Sun.)

Chp 35- Old Friend and a close call- End of Season 2

(A man toting a gun is holding another man hostage.)
Greg: C'mon! We want to help you, but first you've got to put the gun down!
Man: NO! I have no patience for people like you.
(He points the gun at the police.)
Greg: *sigh* Sierra One…
S1: Go ahead…
Greg: …….Scorpio.
(Sierra One unlocks the safety and takes aim at the suspect.)
[Scenes go through backwards extremely fast]
[90 Minutes Earlier]
Pikachu: Hey look, it's Viridian Forest!
Justin: Yea, so?
Pikachu: My parents live there! I want to stop by and say hi.
Ash: I think that would be a good idea.
(Misty made a face, but no one noticed and the kids cheered.)
Kids: That means we can see grandpa and grandma?
Pikachu: Yep!
(They cheered a little more and Flygon adjusted his flight course and landed in the forest. They all disembarked.)
Pikachu: I'll be this way. It's not very far from here. Just meet me over by that lake!
(He points to a nearby lake. The others nod and the family walks down a main road.)
Pikachu: Ah, some good times down here.
???: Pika, is that you?
(Pikachu's face turns pale. He spins around to see a female Pikachu coming out of the tree line.)
FP: It is you!
(She runs over and hugs him.)
Pikachu: Hi…Julia.
Julia: Wow, it has been so long! How are you?
Pikachu: I'm fine.
(He turns to Buneary and whispers in her ear.)
Pikachu: I'd like to talk to her in private. Can you take the kids over there?
(She nods and skips over with them, but as she reaches the edge of the tree line, she hears panic.)
Pikachu: HEY! Get off of me!
(Buneary immediately turns around and sees Julia pinning Pikachu up to a tree, kissing him. She is infuriated. Meanwhile, Pikachu is squirming his feet between him and Julia and kicks her away. She staggers back and falls over. Pikachu picks her up and holds her shoulders.)
Pikachu: Julia! Didn't I just say I was married?! Sure, I liked you, but that was a LONG time ago! I'm sorry.
(Just then, an enraged Buneary hops over and Dizzy Punches her.)
Buneary: What the hell were you kissing her for?!
Pikachu: I wasn't kissing her, she pinned me to the tree and kissed ME! Didn't you see me struggling?
Buneary: Oh, I saw your eyes! You were-
Laura: Mommy, daddy?
(Buneary then, out of rage, slaps Pikachu, causing him to stumble to the floor. Buneary just realized what she did and tries to help him, but he pulls away.)
Pikachu: Please…just…go with the kids.
(He walks away from her when someone screams out to them.)
Buneary: Pikachu! Pikachu! PIKACHU!!!!
(He whirls around to see a pissed off man toting a pistol in his hand. Pikachu sprints back and stands in front of Buneary.)
Man: Oh, and it seems he wants to be the savior!
(He laughs manically.)
Pikachu: This guy's nuts!
(He then cocks the gun and points it at them.)
Justin: HEY! Drop the bloody gun! Drop it!
(The man spins around to see Justin approaching him with his pistol drawn.)
Justin: Put it down.
(He angrily complies and Justin approaches him. As he does, the man punches and kicks him, forcing him to fall back and the gun to fly out of his hand. The man picks his up and points it at Justin.)
Man: Thought you could be the hero, huh?
(The man angrily grabs him and sees Pikachu and Buneary fleeing.)
Man: Hey, you damn Pikachu!
(Pikachu freezes in fear. He knows if he tries something, he's dead. He slowly and fearfully walks over to him.)
Man: I should just kill both of you right now.
(Just then, a car skids to a stop and a cop gets out of it.)
Cop: Hey, put your hands where I can see them!
(The man grabs Justin and holds him as a shield. Pikachu fearfully stands in place. The cop then talks into his radio.)
Cop: We've got a Code 100 in progress. Suspect is armed and extremely dangerous! Request immediate back-up! Hostages are involved!
(The man grumbles under his breath.)
Man: You called then, didn't you?
Justin: Nope.
[Add theme song here: ]
(Within half-an-hour, Ash and the others are watching. Hikers have come upon the scene and are watching. Even some of the colony hides behind bushes fearfully. Trucks and SUV's have now blocked the route and any means of escape. The man stands in an open field, holding Justin in front of him.)
John: Rose! Come here!
Rose: What is all this commotion about?
John: Look, does that look like-?
(She looks closely at the Pikachu.)
Rose: Oh my Arceus, that's our son!
(They look at their frightened son, shivering very nervously. At this time, a specialized team has come upon the scene.)
SpecOp1: To the man with the gun! My name is Sgt. Gregory Parker, and I'm with the police's Strategic Response Unit! Our goal is to get you out of here safely and unharmed.
(He points the pistol at them and the team ducks behind the cars and SUV's. Greg comes back up.)
Greg: Please, just calm down!
(The man doesn't respond. Greg turns to his teammates who are covering him with MP5's.)
Greg: This man is very unstable. I'm going to try to calm him down. Meanwhile, Eddie, your Sierra One. You'll be the sharpshooter if things go aerie. Cover us from one of the nearby trees.
Eddie: Copy that.
(He runs to the back of one of the SUV's and pulls out an R700.)
Greg: Meanwhile, the rest of you will need to spread out. We don't want to have to take the shot.
(The rest of the 4-man squad spreads out while Greg goes back to negotiations. Meanwhile, Ash and the rest of them are talking amongst themselves. Buneary is with Ash[achu] crying. The kids are unaware of what's happening.)
Buneary: It's all my fault! If I hadn't punched that Pikachu, none of this would've happened!
Ash: It's okay, it's okay. He'll come out of this.
(But even Ash was doubtful. This guy was crazy, and he knew it. He sat Buneary down next to a tree and went into some bushes and ran into Pikachu's parents.)
Ash: Rose, John? What are you guys doing here?
(They just point at Pikachu and continue to watch. Ash tries a risky move then.)
Ash: [whisper] Pikachu!
(Pikachu senses the call and slowly turns his head. Ash then mouths-)
Ash: Are you okay?
(Pikachu gives a thumbs up and turns away. Ash can see his cheek's bruised. Ash then reassures them-)
Ash: He'll be okay.
(They just ignore him and they all continue to watch.)
SpecOp2: Boss, I found a truck not too far from here with the suspect's name in it. His name is Jack Emerson.
Greg: That's good work Jules. Hey, Jack! You need to put the gun down!
Jack: They know my name?!
Justin: You should do as he says. If you do, they might cut you loose on time.
Greg: This is escalading…
S1: This is Sierra One in position...I've got the solution.
Greg: Good, but standby for now. Jack, please put the gun down!
Jack: NO!
(He fires a shot at Greg, which hits the car, but doesn't go all the way through.)
Greg: So…what are we looking at here?
SpecOp3: A .358. Probably 8 rounds in it.
Greg: I'm going to try one more time. Don't open fire. Jack, please calm down! I know you must be feeling very angry and just trying to protect your Pikachu, but killing that man and Pokemon won't solve anything.
(The man doesn't respond and fires three more shots.)
Jules: ARGH! I'm hit!
Greg: You okay?!
Jules: Yea, it got my vest…
Greg: Jack, we want to help you, but first you have to put the gun down!
Jack: NO! I have no patience for cops like you!
SpecOp4: So, what do we do?
(There is no answer from Greg for almost five minutes. He's running options through his head.)
Greg: *sigh* Sierra One…
S1: Go ahead…
Greg: ……..Scorpio.
Jules: Boss, someone's breached the perimeter!
Greg: Sierra One, hold your fire!
(Meanwhile, a young lady has run into the open area, but is being held back by the 3rd Spec Op.)
Lady: Jack, do as they say! Put the gun down!
Jack: NO! They're going to kill me!
Lady: Not until you put the gun down!
(Jack ignores him and the Spec Op forces the lady back. Jack wildly fires two bullets again.)
Greg: Sierra One, scorpio, SCORPIO!
(Sierra One takes aim at the suspect and aims for the head.)
S1: Nighty, night…
(Just then, the girl runs into the scope's view, but Sierra One has taken the shot. He shakes his rifle wildly, hoping he didn't hit her. He refocuses and finds the man lying dead. Blood has splattered all over Justin and Pikachu and he takes a sigh of relief. The girl cries at the loss of her father. Meanwhile, Buneary is still crying by the tree when she hears the gunshots, which make her cry even harder. Pikachu is now in disbelief. Blood is now all over his face and head. He is relieved by the end to the crisis and immediately runs to Ash and his parents. He literally leaps into their arms and gives them a good, long hug.)
Rose: We're so glad you're okay!
(Pikachu just silently hugs his almost tear-driven parents.)
Pikachu: Excuse me, but there is something I need to do.
(Ash and Pikachu walk over to the tree where Buneary has completely broken down at when she feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns around to see some blood on Pikachu's face, but unharmed.)
Buneary: Pikachu!
(She jumps into her arms and cries a little more. Pikachu just strokes her head, letting her cry.)
Buneary: I-I-I'm s-s-so s-s-s-s-sorry-y-y-y-y!!!
Pikachu: Shhhhh….
(She starts to calm down and kisses him. The taste of blood is awful, but she doesn't care. She's just happy that Pikachu is back with her. The kids crowd over and hug their dad somberly. Justin was then escorted by a police officer back to the group, holding Julia.)
Ash: Hey, you okay?
Justin: Yea, I'm fine. The man was a trainer and had five Pokemon on him. I asked them if I could keep the Pikachu while they released the others.
Ash: That's too bad…
Justin: Yea…
(He returns Julia to her Pokeball and attaches it to his belt, making it his sixth. He then calls out Flygon.)
Justin: All aboard!
(They all board except for Pikachu.)
Pikachu: Hold on guys!
(He wipes the blood off of his face and reproaches his parents.)
Rose: You going to be okay?
Pikachu: Yea…I think I will. Besides, I've got some good friends behind me.
Rose: Well, I wish you good luck then. And please stay safe.
Pikachu: I will mom.
(He gives them one last hug and boards Flygon.)
Justin: Next stop, Cinnabar Island?
Ash: Sounds good to me!
Justin: Alrighty then! Punch it Flygon!
(Flygon then flies off into the sunset. But Pikachu still had a feeling…a bad feeling, very deep inside. It wasn't fear…it was…something else. Something…bad.)

The Pika Tales RECAP- (This is a SMALL recap of the events)

(Ash and friends have now landed on Cinnabar Island in preparation for Ash's eighth and final badge. They land on the island at 7:30 PM and most of the shops are closing down, but many hotels are open. They get three rooms inside the hotel. One for Justin(I need my space), one for Ash and co., and one for the Chu family. Pikachu and Buneary are exhausted from the day's scare and just want to get it behind them so they immediately get the kids to sleep and head for bed themselves. Buneary slowly nods off, but Pikachu just can't fall asleep. He can't get the thoughts of how close he was to dying. The night dragged on. 7:46, 8:12, 8:57, 9:35. He finally got up about 9:45 and went to the balcony(They're on the second floor). He climbed onto the railing and looked down the hill that the hotel is on top of. Down below, under a tree, Pikachu sees Julia on top of Spark Plug, making out with him.)
Pikachu: Way to go Spark Plug...
(He looked to his left and saw Ash and Misty. He turned away so he wasn't looking and stared into the night sky. It was a clear night and many of the stars were twinkling brightly. He must've stared for a good ten minutes before he was suddenly pulled off the balcony and started rolling into the room. When he stopped, Buneary was on top of him, giggling.)
Buneary: You feeling okay?
Pikachu: Yea, just still shaken up from earlier today.
Buneary: Hey, it's over now and you're safe. And most importantly, you're with me. Try to get it out of your head with good thoughts.
Pikachu: Like when we first met?
(Pikachu grabs Ash's hat off of Aipom's head, but it flips onto his head. The hat blinds him and he unknowingly wanders into the street. Officer Jenny is speeding down the street, sees Pikachu, and slams her brakes, causing her to skid. She's going to fast and about to hit Pikachu when a brown blur lifts him off his feet and carries him to safety.)
Buneary: *Blushing* You okay?
Pikachu: Yea, I'm fine.
Pikachu: But remember when I told you I loved you?
Pikachu: I know I've known you for awhile just as a friend, but...Buneary...I...I
Buneary: I what?!
Pikachu: I can't do this!
Buneary: Do what?
(He takes a deep breath and takes her paws in his.)
Pikachu: I'm in love with you Buneary.
(She is shocked)
Buneary: I...I lo-
(Her sentence is cut of by Pikachu kissing her, neither of them caring the others are watching.)
Buneary: That was a great moment. Sure, you accidently got me pregnent, but now I couldn't be happier.
Pikachu: Me too.
(They share a kiss for a moment before Buneary breaks it.)
Buneary: Here's a good one. Remember when we first did something like this?
As Pikachu walks towards the bed, he is spun around and pinned down by Buneary.)
Pikachu: What are you-?
(She has a sly smile on her face. He gets the message and starts to make out with her. Her legs are around his and his arms around her waist.)
Buneary: I love you so much.
Pikachu: I love you too.
Pikachu: That was a great moment, but it was even better at the Sinnoh League. (Both start to giggle)
(Buneary and Pikachu stare into each other's eyes. Buneary looks into Pikachu's light brown eyes and leans over to him. He follows her, kissing her passionately. They kiss for a while, enjoying themselves under the moonlight. Pikachu pulls off Buneary's vest and Buneary starts to rub Pikachu's chest, causing him to moan a little. They roll around in the grass a little, rubbing and kissing, letting their love for each other show.)
Buneary: It was...but I can think of one time better than that.
Pikachu: Oh yea, what?
Buneary *Giggles* Cerulean City...
Pikachu: And the start of our third daughter...Destiny.
(He smirked cheekily and grabbed Buneary's bushy tail.)
Buneary: I don't care how many times you do that, it will always make me blush.
Pikachu: Well you're cute when you blush.
(They stared into each other's eyes and started to kiss when...)
???: DAAAAD!!!!
(Pikachu and Buneary slammed heads and fell over. Pikachu got up and ran into the kids' room.. To his shock(No pun intended), sitting up on the couch, shivering, was Alexander.)
Pikachu: Alexander!
(Pikachu hops onto the couch with him.)
Laura: Huh, what's going on???
Pikachu: Nothing sweetheart, go back to sleep.
(She shruged and collapsed into sleep again. Destiny didn't even budge.)
Pikachu: What's wrong son?
Alexander: Every time I try to fall asleep, all I see is trying to kill you. I can't get it out of my head!
(Tears stream down his face quickly. Pikachu wraps Alexander in his arms.)
Pikachu: Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shhhh. It's okay. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.
(Alexander continued to cry.)
Pikachu: Please...stop crying. I hate seeing my own kids cry.
(Pikachu tears up a little and holds him tighter when Alexander starts to calm down.)
Pikachu: Alexander...even if that did happen, I'm always right here(points to his chest) in your heart. In fact, let me give you something.
(He takes out a yellow orb.)
Pikachu: This is a light orb and I want you to have it. My father gave that to me before I was captured. I'm not really sure what it does, but I'm only sure of this. If you ever have kids and you have a Pichu, it should learn Volt Tackle. When my father told me this, I tried to use it over and over, but could never get it, but when I was with Ash in Hoenn, I learned it accidently. It looks like it has rubbed off on you though. It also makes a good night light, hehe. Just keep this and if we EVER get seperated...just look at this...and remember me.
(Alexander nods and gives his dad a hug.)
Alexander: Thanks dad.
(Pikachu smiles and walks back into his room as Alexander stares at the shining ball in admiration. As Pikachu gets back in, he finds Buneary knocked out cold on the floor. He just laughs a little and goes back to the balcony very quickly. Ash and Misty have now gone inside and Justin is near the tree, scratching his head as to what Spark Plug and Julia were doing because Spark Plug was now on top of Julia. Pikachu laughed a little, went back inside, and snuggled up next to the now half-conscious Buneary.)
Buneary: Oh man, what happened?
Pikachu: Alexander snapped from today's...mishap.
Buneary: Wow, really?
Pikachu: Yea, but right now it', 11:00. We should get some sleep.
Buneary: Okay.
(Pikachu cuddled up with her and fell asleep in her arms.)

Chp 36- Start of Season 3- More Secrets and another friend

(Pikachu woke up the next morning to find Buneary seemingly upside-down from him. He smiled, kissed her forehead, and jumped up. He walked into the kids' room to see them still asleep. Alexander had the Light Ball next to him while lying on the couch. Pikachu couldn't help but smile, but shed a tear at the same time. He walked into a corner of the kids' room and took out a few sheets of paper. It was sheet music from the song they heard on the radio, but the song was instrumental, so he was writing words to it. It was nearly down and he only did it when others weren't around or sleeping. It had taken months to write, but he was getting down to the last few words. Pikachu hummed the notes to himself while writing.)
Ashachu: Hey Pikachu, what's that?
Pikachu: WHAA!
(He fell over, stunned.)
Pikachu: You've really got to stop sneaking up on me like that…
Ash: Sorry.
(He helps pick up the music.)
Ash: So, what is this? Music?
Pikachu: Give me that! I want to surprise Buneary…
(Ash hands over the music, which Pikachu puts away.)
Pikachu: So, we going to the gym today?
Ash: Yea, but Justin landed us on the wrong side of the island. We won't get there till later today.
Pikachu: Oh well, we'll just make the most of it.
Ash: Alright, we're leaving at 10, okay?
Pikachu: Got it.
(Ash and Pikachu walked into the room with Buneary in it. Ash hopped onto the balcony and jumped to his. Pikachu lied down where he woke up to see Buneary starting to wake up.)
Pikachu: Well good morning sleepy head.
Buneary: Well, I'm a sleepy head cause my head got slammed by yours.
Pikachu: Heh… sorry.
(He gave her an upside-down kiss, jumped up, and helped her up.)
Pikachu: Breakfast?
Buneary: Please…
(Pikachu made Pokefood just like Brock does. As he did, the kids awoke from the smell of food.)
Destiny: That smells good…
Alexander: Is it ready yet?
Pikachu: Actually yes.
(He served it, ate, cleaned up, and were ready to go by 9:45, waiting by Ash's door. And by 10, they were on the road. They wanted to get some exercise instead of flying on Flygon. They walked down the smooth, forested path for half an hour before spotting something lying in the road. Justin ran up to it first.)
Justin: My god, Austin! Get up man!
(Austin was half conscious and a pistol was on the ground.)
Austin: Ugh… evil Pokemon…took Typhlosion…Feraligatr…Umbreon…
Justin: Snap out of it soldier!
(He slapped Austin.)
Austin: Wha-? I'm awake!
Ash: Wait, why'd you say soldier?
(Justin froze up and turned a little pale.)
Misty: Is there something you're not telling us?
Justin: *sigh* Guys, take a seat. The truth is…me and Austin are Spec Ops for the military…
Ash: !!!
Brock: !!!
Misty: !!!
Pikachu: !!!
Buneary: !!!
Justin: It's true. We were assigned to check out these…"evil" Pokemon. We think they're connected with Team Rocket somehow, we're just not sure what. We were supposed to find out information about them here….
Pikachu: *DAMN IT ARCEUS!!!*
(Time suddenly froze in front of Pikachu and everything turned black.)
Arceus: It seems you've found out…
Pikachu: What is this Arceus?!
Arceus: I was hoping to see if the other legendaries could take care of it, but we're in a bit of a problem at the moment.
Pikachu: I don't care about that! You said there was ONE spirit. ONE ONE ONE!!!
Arceus: Listen, if you don't act, your entire world will be brought to its hands and knees.
(Pikachu was taken aback by that. What were they going to do?)
Pikachu: *sigh* What do I have to do?
Arceus: Same thing you did to take care of the one controlling your wife.
Pikachu: But how many are there? Where are they?
Arceus: The answers will come in time…
(Pikachu was very confused as time resumed.)
Justin: Honestly, we weren't using you. We were trying to help prevent this…
(Everyone was silent, but the silence was interrupted by rustling bushes.)
Justin: WHO'S THERE?!
(Suddenly, Typhlosion, Umbreon, and Feraligatr hopped out with a Pidgeot and Bayleef behind, controlled by the spirit.)
Typhlosion: The Pikachu and Buneary are coming with us.
Pikachu: Are you crazy?! Never!
Typhlosion: NOT YOU! Them!
(He points at Laura and Destiny.)
Pikachu: I won't let you!
Typhlosion: That's a decision you'll regret…
(Typhosion starts a Flamethrower. Feraligatr, Hydro Pump. Umbreon, Shadow Ball. Bayleef, Solar Beam. But the Pidgeot just watched. Pikachu was ready to take anything and braced for impact as the beams flew towards him. But they never hit him. He opened one eyes slowly to see Alexander standing in front of him, using Protect.)
Pikachu: H-how are you doing that?
Alexander: I have no idea.
(But then, the beams overwhelmed him, sending Alexander crashing into Pikachu, sending them through the forest. Everyone else was frozen in fear, but then two yellow blurs raced past as Pikachu and Alexander smashed Bayleef and Feraligatr, respectively. Pikachu then used Hyper Beam on Umbreon and Alexander used Thunderbolt on Typhlosion. The two were ready for more fighting when the "evil" Pokemon started to flee.)
Alexander: That'll teach them to-
(But then, Pidgeot raced past holding Laura and Destiny.)
Pikachu+Buneary: NOOOOOOOOOOO!
(Pikachu ran after them, but then got a blast of Hyper Beam and smashed into a tree and slammed into the ground. Buneary looked towards the speeding Pidgeot, then Pikachu, and back and forth, before tearfully running to Pikachu.)
Buneary: P-pikachu!
(He was out cold, bleeding profusely. Austin slid over and took out a bottle. It was a Full Restore, a very rare item. He sprayed Pikachu with it. His bruises faded and cuts reduced in size. He started to wake up and sat up against the tree. He was tearful…)
Pikachu: I-I'm sorry…I couldn't…protect…them.
(Buneary starts to tear up and lets it all out. She runs away from the group into the forest.)
Pikachu: Buneary…I'm sorry.
(He took out the sheets of music and stared at them. He ignored the plans everyone was now talking about to get them back. He couldn't bear to see his wife cry like that. It drove him nuts till it finally cracked.)
Pikachu: GUYS!
(Everyone turned towards him.)
Pikachu: If we don't cheer up Buneary, we'll never find the kids. We need to get her back now.
Ash: And how are we going to cheer her up?
(He shakes the music in his hands.)
Ash: But we don't have any instruments!
Pikachu: Justin can teleport them.
Justin: Well, I am pretty good at piano…
Austin: I'm good at guitar and my Riolu loves the drums…
Pikachu: Please guys. If we can get her back, we'll find the kids much easier than a mopy Buneary. Please…
(Justin and Austin looked at each other.)
Justin: Fine…
Pikachu: Thank you so much!!!!!
Austin: So what song are we playing anyway?
Pikachu: You know Smile?
Justin+Austin: Memorized.
Austin: Same with Riolu…
Pikachu: Wow, easier than I thought.
(The group silently walked through the forest when Pikachu hears Buneary sobbing.)
Pikachu: (whisper) She's over here!
(They silently walk up behind her, but they're about 100 feet away.)
Buneary: I can't believe we lost them!!!
(Justin teleports the instruments and Austin lets out Riolu, both without attracting Buneary's attention. Austin tells Riolu what to do.)
Pikachu: Ready?
(They all nod and the music starts:
Buneary suddenly stops crying and turns around to see what's going on.)
Pikachu: This is for you baby…
(Buneary starts to blush.)
Pikachu: You´re better then the best
I´m lucky just to linger in your life
Cooler then the flip side of my pillow that´s right
Completely unaware
Nothing can compare to where you send me
Lets me know that it´s ok yeah it´s ok
And the moments when my good times start to fade

You make me smile like the sun (He smiles widely)
Fall out of bed (Falls over and jumps up.)
Sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head
Spin like a record (Spins around)
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool (Dances in an odd way)
Forget how to breathe (Clutches chest)
Shine like gold
Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh you make me smile

(He starts to get closer)

Even when you´re gone
Somehow you come along
Just like a flower poking through the sidewalk crack and just like that
You steal away the rain and just like that

You make me smile like the sun (Smiles again)
Fall out of bed (Falls over)
sing like bird
Dizzy in my head
spin like a record (Spins around)
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild (Clutches head)
Ohh you make me smile

(Now practically next to Buneary)

Don´t know how I lived without you
Cuz every time that I get around you
I see the best of me inside your eyes
You make me smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile

Pikachu+Buneary: You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild

You make me smile like the sun (Both smile)
Fall out of bed (Both fall over and jump up)
sing like bird
Dizzy in my head
spin like a record (Spin around)
Crazy on a Sunday night

You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh you make me smile
Ohh you make me smile
Ohh you make me smile…

(Pikachu and Buneary embrace in a hug.)
Pikachu: I'm so so so so so so so sorry. I promise we'll find them.
(Buneary starts to cry)
Buneary: O-o-okay.
(They turn towards the others. Misty and Brock have fainted, Ash's jaw has dropped, Justin is just smiling, and Austin and Riolu are somewhat crying when Riolu starts to glow.)
Austin: ! No way…
(After the glowing stops, a Lucario is revealed.)
Austin: Oh man, this is awesome!
Justin: Congrats Austin.
(Justin teleports the instruments away.)
Justin: Say Austin, you get that Sea Knight here?
Austin: Duh, of course.
Justin: I think we'll need it in our search.
Austin: On it…
(And with that, he throws out his Flygon, hops on and heads north. After only ten minutes, a Sea Knight lands in a nearby clearing.)
Austin: All aboard for hell!

Posts : 351
Join date : 2010-07-10
Age : 28
Location : NY

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